Let’s talk about... climate and fashion


Together we’ll explore how fashion and clothing can affect the climate. Watch the video and then answer the questions below.

This will take approximately 15 minutes.


Now take it in turns to answer the questions below.

If you’re stuck, click the arrows for useful facts and prompts.

What can we do?

Small changes now will lead to the big changes we need.

Choose which of these actions you will commit to doing more of as a family or friendship group.


Participate in the ‘30 wear challenge’

Good quality clothing with plenty of life left in it still ends up in landfill.

By buying clothes that we know we’ll wear at least 30 times, we become less likely to make impulse purchases that end up going to waste.


Recycle, shwop or pass on your unwanted clothing

By recycling or passing clothes on – through schemes such as shwopping at M&S, donating to charity shops or using second-hand-clothing apps – you can keep them out of landfill for longer. This also decreases the demand for new clothes, helping save resources and energy that would be used to create them.


Wash your clothes less frequently and at 30 degrees

By only washing our clothes when they’re dirty, and waiting until you have a full load, you’ll save large amounts of water and energy.

Plus, you’ll be reducing the amount of microplastics that end up in our waterways – washing clothes can release man-made fibres into the water.


You’ve completed the full conversation.

How do you feel?


What next?